Brief Introduction
Carbon bricks, as the name suggests, are chemically composed of carbon. The raw materials of carbon bricks are coke(metallurgical coke, petrol coke or pitch coke), graphite or heat treated anthracite. Carbon containing organic binders(tar, pitch and so on) are often used as binders. According to graphite content, carbon based bricks are classified into carbon bricks, artificial graphite bricks and semi graphite carbon bricks.
Carbon Brick is a kind of neutral refractory material that can resist high temperature erosion, which are manufactured with carbonaceous as the raw material and added suitable binding agent. Carbon Brick can be used in the blast furnace to built furnace bottom and hearth with its features of good thermal shock resistance and low thermal coefficient of expansion.
Carbon Bricks are widely used in the metallurgical industry, of which carbon bricks are more used in the blast furnace. Many blast furnaces’ furnace bottom and hearth are built with carbon bricks.Carbon Bricks also can be used for pickling bath, plating bath in the electroplating industry, for the dissolving tank in the paper manufacturing industry, for the reactive tank and storage tank in the chemical industry, and for the autoclave in the petrochemical industry.