From April 28th to 29th, Henan Rongsheng Technology Group organized group headquarters employees to go to the Red Flag Canal Red Education Base in Linzhou City, Henan Province to carry out a two-day educational and research activity on the theme of “Ask the Canal How Clear Is It” on the spirit of the Red Flag Canal. Learn and feel the profound connotation of the Red Flag Canal spirit.

At the class opening ceremony, Chukeqi, chairman of the group, gave a mobilization speech and handed over the class flag. His enthusiastic and inspiring speech aroused enthusiastic responses among the employees. The full text of the “Speech” is now released as follows.

Speech at the opening ceremony of the group’s Hongqi Canal Spiritual Theme Education Research Class

(April 28, 2024, Linzhou, Henan)

Dear Rongsheng family:

Good morning guys!

In this beautiful season of spring and blooming flowers, we set foot on this sacred land to carry out education and research activities on the spiritual theme of the Red Flag Canal. This is a far-reaching event that aims to allow everyone to personally experience, learn and inherit the spirit of the Red Flag Canal, with a view to integrating it into our corporate culture and making it an inexhaustible driving force for the sustainable and healthy development of our company.

A canal surrounds the green mountains, and its spirit is spread all over the world. The Hongqi Canal was created by the people of Lin County in the 1960s under extremely difficult conditions. In order to change the water shortage situation, they used hammers and drills to dig out a 1,500-kilometer-long “artificial Tianhe” on the cliff. A miracle in the history of human water conservancy construction. The Hongqi Canal is not only a magnificent water conservancy project, but also a spiritual symbol. The Red Flag Canal spirit that it embodies is self-reliance, hard work, unity and collaboration, and selfless dedication. It not only praises the wisdom and strength of the hard-working and brave Chinese people, but also praises the perseverance and indomitable spirit of struggle. This spirit has great influence on us. The development of enterprises also has very important implications.

The construction of the Hongqi Canal is a model of self-reliance for the people of Lin County. During the construction process, they did not rely on external assistance and relied on their own wisdom and diligence to build this monumental project hammer by hammer. This spirit of self-reliance inspires our enterprises to strengthen their confidence when facing difficulties and challenges, rely on their own strength and wisdom to find solutions to problems, and promote the continuous development of enterprises.

The construction process of Hongqi Canal was also an arduous journey. In that era of scarcity of materials and backward technology, the people of Lin County overcame numerous difficulties and completed this great project with amazing perseverance and determination. This spirit of hard work and entrepreneurship inspires us to have the courage to take responsibility and innovate in the face of market changes, and to create a new situation in corporate development with perseverance.

The Hongqi Canal project also embodies the spirit of unity and cooperation. During the construction process, the people of Lin County worked together to achieve a goal. This spirit of unity and collaboration inspires us to strengthen teamwork within the company, support each other, and work together to achieve the company’s vision and goals.

Finally, the spirit of selfless dedication in the spirit of Hongqi Canal is worth learning. During the construction of the Hongqi Canal, many people contributed silently without asking for anything in return. This spirit of selfless dedication inspires every employee of our company to always put the interests of the company first and contribute to the prosperity and development of the company.

Family members, the spirit of the Red Flag Canal is our precious spiritual wealth. Let us take this study activity as an opportunity to deeply study and inherit the Hongqi Canal spirit, integrate the Hongqi Canal spirit of self-reliance, hard work, unity and collaboration, and selfless dedication into our corporate culture, and work hard to achieve the company’s grand goals .

In the days to come, let us work together, guided by the spirit of the Hongqi Canal, to promote the development of Rongsheng to new heights and contribute to the high-quality development of the group! I believe that inspired by the spirit of the Red Flag Canal, we will be able to create more brilliant achievements and write our own magnificent poems!

Finally, I wish this Red Flag Canal spiritual themed education and research activity a complete success! I also wish that everyone will gain a lot from the study process, that their souls will be baptized, and that their spirits will be sublimated.

Thank you all!