Brief Introduction
Soft Fire Bricks for Sale is a kind of low density firebrick made from high purity refractory clays and other ceramic raw materials. We supply three temperature ratings (2300, 2600, and 2800 degree) and two grades: PA and BNZ grades. The 2300 degree bricks are suitable for the PA grade. The 2600 and the 2800 degree rated bricks are suitable for the excellent but economical PA grade or the high grade BNZ grade.
Soft Fire Brick for Sale can be used as hot face refractory linings, or back up behind other dense refractory in furnaces, kilns, boilers, incinerators, and other high temperature process equipment.
Customized Dimensions
Rongsheng can produce soft fire brick with advanced machine and equipment, and supply the accurate dimensions according to different demands in kiln application. Soft Firebrick can be used to lay a stronger, tighter refractory lining resulting in less heat loss through the joints.
High Insulating Value
RS Soft Fire Brick perform lightweight and high insulating value as the furnace wall that can improve the efficiency and lower the operating costs.
Low Heat Storage
Best insulated fire brick in Rongsheng can lower heat storage, which reduce the fuel costs and faster heat-ups in cyclically operated heating equipment.