On the morning of June 19, 150 students from Henan University of Finance and Economics visited Henan Rongsheng Technology Group for an in-depth enterprise visit and study activity. This is not just a simple visit, but a practical education activity to deeply understand the operation mode of modern enterprises and feel the charm of scientific and technological innovation, laying a vivid and solid first brick for students’ career planning.

At the beginning of the event, the warm reception of Liang Xiangyang, assistant to the general manager of Rongsheng Technology Group, kicked off the visit. Under the guidance of Zhou Qingqing, assistant to the chairman, the students shuttled through various departments of the group. Every corner and every detail showed Rongsheng Technology Group’s ultimate pursuit of refined management and precise control of efficient operation. Here, students witnessed how innovative thinking took root in practice, and also realized the key role played by teamwork and leadership in a complex business environment.

At the subsequent symposium, General Manager Liang emphasized that in the new era of globalization and digitalization, Rongsheng Refractory closely followed the development opportunities of the country’s “Belt and Road” initiative, relying on the wings of cross-border e-commerce, and realized the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries, soaring into the grand blueprint of the international market. In the interactive Q&A session, General Manager Liang gave detailed answers to the students’ questions about the essence of corporate management, insight into market trends, challenges of international trade, and the puzzle of personal career planning. He encouraged young students to cherish their campus time, not only to cultivate the fertile soil of professional knowledge, but also to cultivate keen problem-solving skills and inexhaustible innovative thinking, and accumulate strong internal strength for the future transformation of social roles.

This visit and study activity not only deepened the students’ intuitive understanding of corporate operations, but also built a bridge of communication and cooperation for both schools and enterprises, and opened up a broad channel for the future deep integration of industry, academia and research, internships and training, and talent delivery. In the future, the Group will continue to deepen school-enterprise cooperation, and strive to expand the vast boundaries of cooperation and explore the profound connotation of cooperation. We firmly believe that under the guidance of the cooperation creed of “complementing each other’s strengths, sharing resources, mutual benefit and common development”, we will surely create a glorious chapter in which enterprises and schools go hand in hand and jointly weave a brilliant picture of mutual benefit and win-win.